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- HalfCylinder - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
Half-cylinder crease-angle demo illustrates how the crease angle value affects the smoothness of shading on a half-cylinder.
- HalfCylinder() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.HalfCylinder
Default constructor to create this object.
- Hand - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
Robotic hand juggling primitives: this scene illustrates the use of the primitive shapes and a lot of nested Transform nodes to created articulated structures.
- Hand() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Hand
Default constructor to create this object.
- HeadsUpDisplayHUD - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
The Heads-up Display (HUD) world illustrates creation of a heads-up display that is locked in place to the screen.
- HeadsUpDisplayHUD() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.HeadsUpDisplayHUD
Default constructor to create this object.
- Horn - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
Horn scene illustrates the use of an Extrusion to build a Doctor Seuss-like horn.
- Horn() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Horn
Default constructor to create this object.
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