CAD BoF 2012
Revision as of 15:10, 5 August 2012 by Brutzman (Talk | contribs) (→Short presentations and cool demonstrations! (40 minutes))
The X3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) Working Group is happy to present a public Birds of a Feather (BOF) meeting at SIGGRAPH 2012.
Short presentations and cool demonstrations! (40 minutes)
- Overview of CAD Working Group technical goals and major progress (Don, 1 minute)
- CAD conversion tools for X3D are progressing well
- NURBS can be used for deployment; B-REPS work continues for supporting lossless model conversions
- Maturity indicator: we think that we can get every active X3D player to support CAD component
- Review weekend highlights of Web3D Conference relevant to X3D CAD (Yvonne or Christophe, 5 minutes)
- Recent work (2-3 minutes each)
- CATIA to X3D converter using CATIA API, and XML Macro-Parametrics Approach (MPA) to X3D Converter (Hyo)
- STEP2X3D Web-converter Demo (Vince)
- Fraunhofer IGD X3DOM Demo (someone from IGD)
- Status of improved or new browsers (including BitManagement, InstantReality, OctagaVS, Xj3D)
- X3D Validator and X3D-Edit Demos (Don)
- Xj3D source code merging progress (Don Terry Vince and Hyo)
- Compressed binary encoding progress and plans (Don)
- Conclusions and next steps (Don, 4 minutes):
- proper X3D NURBS support will be able to deploy CAD X3D on any device
- direct B-REP Component might be a useful extension for X3D CAD Component conversion tools and servers, but would be a lot of work for X3D players
- Further small enhancements to X3D CADinterchange profile (2D nodes, NURBS, lines) and X3D Compressed Binary Encoding (CBE) might help even further
- How to get involved as a Web3D Consortium Member in CAD X3D working group (Anita, 3 minutes)
Other announcements and group discussion (20 minutes)
- Availability of other software and example models
- People's reactions and group discussion
- Hey, where is our logo?!
- We will update this page to capture minutes from the meeting.
Working Group cochairs organizing this event:
- Marc Petit (
- Hyokwang Lee (
- Don Brutzman (