[semantics-public] Unified Language Model (apologies to prior meanings)

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 17:09:38 PST 2022

Thanks to Don Brutzman and Roy Walmsley for their unified object model,
Michael Turner for an introduction to NSM.

1.  Contains abstractions common between different languages.   This is a
from the Natural Semantic Metalanguage, perhaps.  Or perhaps upper ontology.

2. Contains concrete parts inherited from 1.  Things like loops,
conditions, syntax, appear here because they need to be concrete before
they can be instantiated.    This is for concrete semantics.

3.  Language syntactic sugar—mappings from semantics to a readable,
editable, manipulatable language.   For parsing and generating documents,
messages and interfaces.

4.  Abstract templates, or a way to parse or generate documents, messages
and interfaces. Grammars.

5. Concrete templates. Message snippets and parameters

6. Executable artifact combining templates with documents.   Prepared
speech acts.

7.  Process.   The act of communicating.

So, abstract and concrete semantics; abstract and concrete syntax; abstract
and concrete templates; and prepared and live performance.

Anything else?  Statistics?

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